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Eco Lifestyle

Make an impact today

Making a difference to the environment can always start at home. Every person has a carbon footprint that they can change. Through this page we want to give you lifestyle tips as well as everyday product alternatives to reduce your environmental impact. Harmonious to the quote "The single raindrop never feels responsible for the flood", if we all made at least one environmentally positive change to our individual lives, the results would be remarkable.

Eco-friendly tips
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#1 Switch off Ritual

Leaving your electrical appliances on standby STILL uses electricity. Turn them off at the wall to ensure no energy is being wasted. Get into the habit of doing this daily until this becomes a ritual. This will not only reduce your environmental impact and energy consumption but also your energy bill.

#2 Turn off Ritual

Water is our most valuable resource as without it we simply cannot survive. Our current demand for clean fresh water is greater than we can produce it meaning a water crisis in the future could head our way. Use only what you need. Cut down on shower time if possible and try not to leave the tap running while brushing your teeth or shaving. 

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#3 Eat less meat

Livestock accounts for 20-50% of all the green house man-made emissions. The CO2 produced to make 1kg of beef is more than 7 times than that of chicken. If you can switch your beef for chicken or eat less meat in general then this helps reduce your environmental significantly. Eating no meat or diary products halves your overall carbon footprint.

#4 From waste to life

Roughly one third of all the food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted. That's 1.3 billion tonnes annually. If you do have to waste food then consider putting it into compost or a wormery instead of tossing it into the bin. This will increase the fertility of the soil which encourages growth of plants and nutrients. 

Product Alternatives
#1 Switch to LED

If you haven't already done so, upgrade your bulbs to LED when your old incandescent bulbs burn out. They waste less energy and last more than twice as long as traditional bulbs saving you money on both fronts. Nowadays you can get LEDs to match any brightness or ambience you are looking for. 

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#2 Get a water bottle

Using a refillable water bottle where you can not only saves plastic from landfill but also from potentially ending up in the ocean. Nowadays you can get water bottles designed to keep liquids both cool and hot. With many different colours, shapes and sizes you will struggle not to find the right one for you;- Check out Chilly's bottles here

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#3 Switch to a bamboo toothbrush

Per dentist recommendations, you should be replacing your toothbrush every 3-4 months. Over your lifetime that's a lot of plastic waste. Bamboo however is a fast growing sustainable crop that breaks down naturally when disposed. Join this new trend and make the switch to bamboo toothbrushes;- Check out these on Amazon

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#4 Invest in a wormery

A Wormery is simply a soil filled container in your garden designed to facilitate a healthy habitat for worms, which in turn create fertile compost to be used for planting. To encourage growth, you can add your food waste (within reason) to 'feed' them. Wormeries come in many sizes to suit your space and requirements:- Check out WormCity UK here

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